Let’s talk

My ethos is to respect every person’s right to their own opinions and feelings and seek to raise their awareness of how their past and present experiences are influencing their behaviour now. The relationship I form with my clients is crucial in the exploration the client is making. Our relationship provides the basis for self- learning.

My experience of being with my client is likely to be similar to the others in the client’s life; so the feedback I give of my own experience of the client can be very useful in making changes if desired.

I never have an agenda but will work with whatever the client chooses to talk about in the session as I believe that we inherently know what we need to do when we come to therapy although this at first may be out of our awareness

It is very important that during sessions my clients feel supported, secure, not judged and that their privacy will be protected and confidentiality maintained.

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Contact me

Sue Barsky Reid 2 Selkirk Drive Chester CH4 8AQ

Telephone No:01244 683321 Mobile No: 07801 701404

What is Gestalt?

Gestalt therapy is about becoming more aware of how we are in the world, by seeing ourselves in relation to others.

More on Gestalt

Specialist interest

My specialist interest is about early life experience and attachment and how difficulties in this area can manifest themselves throughout our life cycle causing problems that pervade all our relationships.

More on my specialist interest


Let's talk

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